
Doctor Salaries in Middle East | Authentic for 2021

Doctors Salaries in Middle East

Salary in the Middle East is generally low, and this has led to many doctors emigrating to other countries where salaries are higher. 

Salaries Depending on Nationality

Salaries for doctors depend on their nationalities; expatriate doctors (Westerners) tend to get paid more than Arabian doctors do. Their yearly income remains fairly static throughout their careers because of a lack of any real increments. 

Salaries Depending on Location of Qualifications

Doctors who possess Western qualifications earn substantially more than those with Middle Eastern qualifications, therefore it makes sense for Middle Eastern students aspiring to become doctors to study abroad. Of course, they will then need to work abroad as well if they want to earn enough money for an adequate living.  

A doctor’s salary in the Middle East is expected to remain fairly static throughout his career because of a lack of any real increments. 

Doctor Salaries in Middle East

Qualification in the Middle East and Abroad

Education for doctors in middle east countries is similar to Europe, US, or Canada. On completion of high school, students usually apply to medical schools. After obtaining the M.D. They register with the local university hospital and go through two years of internship before being allowed full practice licenses. 

Middle Eastern training programs are structured similarly to European ones; upon completion, trainees can then seek licensure in their respective country’s governmental licensing agency. 

Oftentimes it is necessary for Middle Eastern doctors to spend time abroad if they want further specialization. This allows them to gain experience working in different healthcare systems at different hospitals, which can help them get a better understanding of what different patients require. 

Doctors in the Middle East are usually able to specialize after spending six years training. 

Middle East Doctors Earning

Middle Eastern doctors are generally trained at local universities and hospitals, but they also can go to hospitals abroad for further education/training if they wish. 

Something that is unique about middle eastern countries is that their doctors are usually educated in multiple languages; this allows them to communicate with more people when they get out into the community.

Middle Eastern licensing procedures for foreign-educated physicians vary from country to country. It is difficult to obtain licenses without starting over again at square one, although some countries have made it easier for qualified physicians to be licensed. 

Oftentimes it is necessary for middle eastern doctors and other healthcare professionals to spend time abroad if they want further specialization. This allows them to gain experience working in different healthcare systems at different hospitals, which can help them get a better understanding of what different patients require.

Specialist Salary
Advanced Nutrition Aide 27,700 AED
Advanced Practice Provider 26,900 AED
Allergist 37,700 AED
Behavioral Health Specialist 22,100 AED
Chiropractor 24,900 AED
Clinical Psychologist 63,800 AED
Correctional Treatment Specialist 38,400 AED
Counseling Psychologist 47,900 AED
Dermatologist 58,500 AED
Dietitian 40,900 AED
General Doctor 52,500 AED
Emergency Department Physician 44,600 AED
Exercise Physiologist 48,400 AED
Forensic Pathologist 51,600 AED
General Medical Practitioner 38,100 AED
Genetic Counselor 34,000 AED
Internist 66,600 AED
Interventionist 59,400 AED
Invasive Cardiologist 81,700 AED
Mental Health Therapst 36,000 AED
Naturopathic Physician 60,900 AED
Neurologist 64,400 AED
Neurophysiology Technologist 18,000 AED
Nuclear Medicine Physician 55,000 AED
Obstetrician / Gynecologist 56,500 AED
Occupational Health Safety Specialist 27,000 AED
Ophthalmologist 44,700 AED
Optometrist 43,900 AED
Pediatrician 48,700 AED
Physical Therapist 33,800 AED
Physical Therapy Director 36,300 AED
Physician – Anesthesiology 70,400 AED
Physician – Cardiology 77,500 AED
Physician – CCU 44,700 AED
Physician – Dermatology 59,000 AED
Physician – Emergency Room 45,300 AED
Physician – Endocrinology 59,700 AED
Physician – Family Practice 42,400 AED
Physician – Gastroenterology 53,700 AED
Physician – Generalist 44,100 AED
Physician – Geriatrics 39,000 AED
Physician – Hematology / Oncology 51,000 AED
Physician – Immunology / Allergy 61,700 AED
Physician – Infectious Disease 54,000 AED
Physician – Internal Medicine 61,300 AED
Physician – Maternal / Fetal Medicine 50,300 AED
Physician – Nephrology 63,500 AED
Physician – Neurology 65,200 AED
Physician – Nuclear Medicine 51,300 AED
Physician – Obstetrics / Gynecology 55,800 AED
Physician – Occupational Medicine 44,100 AED
Physician – Ophthalmology 38,500 AED
Physician – Otolaryngology 37,100 AED
Physician – Pain Medicine 35,500 AED
Physician – Pathology 46,600 AED
Physician – Pediatric Cardiology 53,700 AED
Physician – Pediatric Neonatology 52,700 AED
Physician – Pediatrics 48,900 AED
Physician – Physiatry 54,800 AED
Physician – Podiatry 46,700 AED
Physician – Pulmonary Medicine 37,700 AED
Physician – Radiation Therapy 64,000 AED
Physician – Radiology 65,700 AED
Physician – Rheumatology 53,900 AED
Physician – Sports Medicine 54,800 AED
Physician – Urology 73,200 AED
Physician Assistant 31,300 AED
Physiotherapist 36,000 AED
Podiatrist 39,300 AED
Preventive Medicine Physician 46,300 AED
Psychiatrist 55,100 AED
Psychololgist 53,400 AED
Psychometrician 46,900 AED
Radiologist 53,700 AED
Registered Respiratory Therapist 32,000 AED
Skin Care Specialist 31,400 AED
Urologist 72,000 AED
Vision Rehabilitation Therapist 33,100 AED

The information given above is authentic which is taken from the informational platform salary explorer for the year 2021.

Countries where Middle Easterners go for Medical Education

Some examples of countries where Middle Easterners go for their education are as follows:

  • United States (US)
  • Canada 
  • Australia 
  • New Zealand 
  • Germany 
  • Denmark etc. 

Countries that lack well-organized medical training programs often have limited numbers of health care providers, who may also face shortages in the future. Middle Eastern doctors are required to serve in the armed forces for a certain amount of time, usually one or two years. Middle Eastern doctors generally work long hours because there is a shortage of healthcare professionals in their countries. 

Saudi Arabia has a 25% doctor-to-patient ratio, and only 40% of that number are qualified medical personnel. 

Generally speaking, doctor salaries in Middle East countries compared to other countries such as the US, UK, etc. tend to be low due to many factors such as: higher than average rates of unemployment and living costs and lack of government funding for local hospitals and healthcare facilities because most of the money comes from charities and donations.

Hugo F. Martineau

Hugo F. Martineau is a medical student in Dubai, UAE. He loves to research and write content. When he's not in the library or the lab, Hugo enjoys spending time with his friends and family. He also likes to play sports, especially basketball. Hugo is originally from Haiti, and he is grateful for every opportunity that he has been given.

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